What to expect in a day at Culture Jam!
The Creative Empowerment Model
As part of this model, Culture Jam has a different theme for each day. Each day is designed to have an energetic “arc” that continues through our 8 days together.
We all will be camping on the property in Veneta, OR with the circle of teens, mentors, facilitators and staff who make CJ happen. Staff tents will be interspersed among the youth tents for safety and integration. Everyone on site will have their own tent and personal space to rest. We meet as a community every morning in the “Cow Palace” and set our daily theme/intention. Most days will have multiple workshops sessions; each session will contain four to five workshop offerings. Each set of workshop offerings is designed to have something for every learning style. The youth choose what they want to attend. Each evening we will have an all-camp themed event: Music and Dance, Theater games, Fire pit storytelling, Open Mic and more. Although each day is different, the elements of self-care (meal times, community check in, free time, quiet time, shower time and sleeping) remain constant. Our kitchen provides three amazing meals per day with snacks available during non-sleeping hours. We have the ability and desire to meet every dietary need. We make a community agreement to unplug from technology during our time together (We have lots of positive feedback from our youth of how life changing unplugging has been.) We believe that a reliable structure creates whole community health. We will be staying on site for the entirety of the camp except for one day, where we will swim and recreate at Fern Ridge Reservoir.
As an example of a typical day here is the schedule for our 2nd day together.
DAY 2: Theatre Night
Focus: Setting Intentions and Community Building
7:30 am Wake Up
8-8:50 am Breakfast!
9-10:45 am Morning Plenary (Theme of the day, community check in)
10:45 am-12:15 pm Workshop Session #1
(4 or 5 varied workshop offerings. Our intention is to have something that works for everyone)
12:15-1:45 pm Lunch!
1:45-3:15 pm Workshop Session #2
3:15-5:45 pm Free Time (There are many offerings to engage in, or not!)
5:45-6 pm Gratitude Circle (We visit this practice before our evening meal)
6:00-7:15 pm Dinner!
7:15-8 pm Family Groups Meet (A smaller group of youth and staff meets daily, to connect and reflect)
8:00-10:00 pm Theater Improv Night at the Cow Palace
10:00-10:30 pm Group Closing, Wind Down, Snacks
10:30-11 pm Getting Ready for Bed, Quiet Time
11:00 pm Lights Out - Tents (This routine is the same all week
This model works well. Every year we gather feedback from the youth and staff to help make it better for the next year. Please reach out If you have any questions about what happens at camp: jans@oregoncountryfair.org.